Saturday, 2 June 2012

Feel the burn

A few days exercising and my body is really starting to ache.
The exercises are not strenuous at all, just calisthenics and a little cardio. But I'm 32 and the only exercise I've ever done is walking (Albeit greater distances compared to most).

I have a couple of exercises I actually enjoy, and they seem to be the ones that are causing me the most pain.
*Deep Knee Bends - The first time I did these I didn't see the point. They didn't seem like exercise at all, but after a while you really start to feel it.

*Press-ups (raised) - The good old-fashioned press-up. I didn't realise how unfit I was until I first started these. I really struggled to get to 10! Now I'm knocking 25 reps a set.

*Fixed leg raises - These really burn, but within the space of a week I've noticed my abs are tighter.

I've started eating a lot more. I'm 5'10" and weigh around 10 stone, so I'm pretty lean already. A good appetite is a must when exercising so I've up'd my calorie intake to balance the extra I'm burning off. In addition to this I've started to drink whey protein shakes.

I'm hoping that in the next 3 months I'll have at least a stone of extra weight, and that I'll be a little bit "ripped" ;)


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