Wednesday, 30 May 2012

How to change a guy in 30 days..

Since having some photos done a couple of weeks ago I have started a new diet and exercise regime.

Sounds a bit pretentious but i'm quite enjoying it.

The photos confirmed what everyone else already knew. I am underweight.

So time to change that!
My job is very active and I probably burn of 3x the amount of calories I consume.
The past 10 days has seen a huge gear change to my eating habits. With me filling my face at every opportunity.

Combing this with muscle toning exercise and *protein shakes and I'll be a lean machine before I know it!

I get free Gym membership in work so once i've got a balance I'll be attending there too.

*I used to mock people who drank protein shakes... I've changed!

Saturday, 26 May 2012

I'll take those points to go

The weekend has shown it's bright and sunny face again. And what better way to start it that to have 2 toddlers fighting at 6:30am.

Old wifey works weekends, so being woken up 30 minutes before the alarm goes off is not the best way to get her in a good mood.

Enter "Super-Husband"!
I leap out of bed to sort out the ever-whinging children and calm them down.
Dish them their breakfast and make myself a cup of tea.
And just to go that extra mile, I fry a little bacon, toast some bread and deliver it just as the wife needs to get up. Breakfast in bed for no reason? Yes, I'll take those husband points to go! and I'll even take a set in a different colour!
Not only does she get breakfast in bed, but I also prepared her lunch to take to work!

This isn't a one-off, I have been known to treat wifey to breakfast in bed at least once a month (Not so much now that she works weekends). And this got me thinking....

If this points system actually worked,I would so far in front of the wife it would be embarrassing! Not that I'm counting, of course ;)


Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Whistle while you work

Good days in work are few and far between lately. I'm currently running 3 roles in one between 2 separate buildings.
This has started to take it's toll on me, both mentally and physically.

But to help cheer me up, the nice people at the Criminal Justice System sent me a letter today.

Now at first, when I unfolded the letter and saw the letterhead I did start to sweat a little... I had no idea why they would be writing to me!

Then I read the subject....
About 6 months ago I caught my colleague stealing laptops from work.
This letter was to confirm the outcome of her court appearance.

Well of course she was, the fact she was caught red-handed and had so much evidence to back up the case meant she was never going to talk her way out of it!

Seems a few hours community service, a fine and court fees is all it takes to pay society back for being a thief!

Still, Made me smile.


Saturday, 19 May 2012

Akwardness is objective

I started this afternoon naked in a strangers house. Sounds awkward, but it was fine.

I went to do a boudoirs shoot for a photographer as he'd never had a male model before (I am in no way a male model!), and the fact I'll try anything once this seemed like a good idea.

It gave me another insight into the way my brain works.
I cannot watch reality shows or anything that has someone completely embarrass themselves. I just find it too awkward.
But get me stark-naked in front of a stranger and I'm fine with it? Who'd of thunk it.... I'm a bit of an exhibitionist!


Friday, 18 May 2012

Well would you look at that!

So last week my son got mugged in broad daylight. And this week he was able to ID the scumbag that did it!

Through the power of the internet (More importantly, through the police force having a twitter account). My Son was able to positively identify the guy who violently attacked him for the sake of stealing his blackberry phone.

Thames valley police posted a positive story about how a young lad had been sentenced to 2 years imprisonment for robbery and perverting the course of justice.

As the robbery part was so similar to my sons experience he was shown the picture attached to the story, and without even reading the story itself was able to say that he was 98% sure it was the same guy.

Yet another reason to love the interweb!!


Friday, 11 May 2012

Crossing a line

So... I am of the belief that if you don't like something that you've not even tried, you're a twat!

Don't get me wrong, i've never tried bungee-jumping and can tell you this... It's not for me!

An opportunity arose this week that would allow me to be a model for a professional photographer. After very minimal "umming and arring" I decided to go for it.

Doesn't sound like something you would need to have an internal debate over. But there is a catch. It's an underwear shoot.... to begin with. With some apparent tasteful shots of me in the buff to finish off.

Now I've battled with my weight for some time (the lack of it) and do think I'm slightly too thin. A little bulking and toning and I'd be a happy chappy.
None of these worries came into helping me make my decision.
I am quite up for the giggle, as I said: You won't know you don't like it until you try it?

The photographer has been in touch and booked a date, and has made a further request... Therefore crossing the line of weird!

He has asked if i own a black suit, as he has some "Bond" guns and would want to try some Bond-esque poses.
Turns out, this is where I drew the line in my toleration of weirdness.
Having me there in my shorts, or even without them is perfectly fine... But put me in formal wear and ask me to pretend to be an imaginary secret agent and it gets weird.

Don't get me wrong, I'm going to do it. Just thought I'd share an insight into how my mind works :o)


Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Anger management

I like the term "made my blood boil". It's very apt.
I actually feel like my blood is boiling.

So my weekend ended early with the mugging of my oldest son.
13 years old and jumped by an young man for his mobile phone. Right in the middle of the street in broad daylight.
Goes without saying I bloody well wanna kill someone.
After getting over the shock and stress of that I get back to the normality of work... that normality being poorly managed, or not managed at all.

I work for a small company inside a very large company, so the relationship with us lower form grunts is of no concern to management compared to the relationship with our contract holder.
No things like this do not normally hit my radar. But my manager (who is normally 100+ miles away) is actually in one of our local locations. And she told me to expect a visit from her today.

What I did get was nothing, not an email apology, phonecall or even an SMS. Just word from the grapevine that she has returned to headoffice mid-afternoon!